


Sobremsa Album Cover
  • Artist: Wazimbo & Orchestra Marrabenta Star de Mozambique
  • Album: Nwahulwana
  • Country: Southern Africa - Mozambique
  • Style: Marrabenta, Lusoafrican
  • Language: Ronga
  • Rights: All rights world wide by PIRANHA

Dessert" - Why do you refuse the wild fruits for dessert?"Ronga, main language of Maputo and the South of Mozambique

Track-Number: CD-PIR1572 - 9
Country / Region: Southern Africa - Mozambique
Piranha Category: Luso Africa
Vocals / Instrumental: male
Catchword: summer, travel
Mood: happy, hope, temperamental
Instruments: drums, guitar, saxophone, trumpet
Tempo: mid-tempo
Tracklength: 5:42
Composer: Humberto C. Benfica
Lyrics: Humberto C. Benfica