

Om Ul Khair

Om Ul Khair Album Cover
  • Artist: Salamat
  • Producer:Ben Mandelson
  • Album: Salam Delta
  • Country: North Africa - Egypt - Cairo
  • Style: Tradimodern, Nubian
  • Language: Arabic
  • Rights: All rights world wide by PIRANHA

Mother, our neighbour has a wedding! I want to praise the groom and paint the bride's hands and feet with henna. Everybody has come to celebrate this happy occasion." (Salamat)

Track-Number: CD-PIR0936 - 8
Country / Region: North Africa - Egypt - Cairo
Piranha Category: Africa, Nubian
Vocals / Instrumental: female
Catchword: background music
Mood: rhythmical, ruminant
Instruments: bass, percussion, saxophone, trumpet, keyboard, accordion, violin, oud
Tempo: mid-tempo
Tracklength: 5:08
Composer: traditional
Arrangement: Mahmoud Fadl
Lyrics: traditional