


Mahani-Zin Album Cover
  • Artist: Emil Zrihan
  • Album: Ashkelon
  • Country: Asia - Israel, North Africa - Morocco
  • Style: Ritual, Orient, Jewish
  • Language: Arabic
  • Rights: All rights world wide by PIRANHA

Weary of love: Only pur love, my precious, gives me hope. If only I could wipe away the tormented look from your eyes...

Track-Number: CD-PIR1260 - 2
Country / Region: Asia - Israel, North Africa - Morocco
Piranha Category: Jewish, Orient
Vocals / Instrumental: male
Catchword: yearning
Mood: groovy, rhythmical, love
Instruments: bass, percussion, guitar, accordion, violin, oud, darbuka
Tempo: mid-tempo, slow, change of tempo
Tracklength: 10:11
Composer: traditional
Arrangement: Yossi Fine / Emil Zrihan
Lyrics: traditional