


Ambuya? Album Cover
  • Artist: Stella Chiweshe
  • Album-No: CD-PIR7
  • Country: Southern Africa - Zimbabwe
  • Style: Mbira, Tradimodern, Ritual
  • File under: Southern Africa / Zimbabwe / Mbira / Spiritual / Trance
  • Country of production: Germany
  • Released: 1987
  • Rights: Please contact the Piranha Records Team, which takes care of all publishing, licensing and legal affairs.

To call upon the spirits at Bira possessions rituals is the most significant job performed by mbira musicians in the African culture of Zimbabwe. Through mbira music the souls of ancestors are honoured and made to appear, to give advice and energy to their living family members. Playing for the spirits not only involves the capacity to work for several nights and days in a row but also a particular lifestyle dictated by traditional cultural values. If this was not adhered to, the mbira players would not be able to establish the communication with the spirit.
In the Shona-language "Ambuya" is a notation for a women who has to be respected in a special way.
